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Syntax conventions:
• italics = replace with a variable
• [ ] = optional component
Policy Class Management
Command Options Description
fsaddclass Creates and defines a new
policy class.
class The policy class (maximum of
16 alphanumeric characters).
[ -s softlimit ] Warning limit for the number of
media allocated in the policy
[ -h hardlimit ] Maximum number of media
allowed in the policy class.
[ -n notifyID ] E-mail address of the user to
notify when the policy class’s
softlimit and hardlimit are
[ -t mediatype ] Defines the media type to use
for the policy class.
[ -l securitycode ] Security code for the policy
class (up to 4 characters in
[ -o acctnum ] Account number for the policy
class (up to 5 characters in
[ -x maxcopies ] Maximum number of copies
(including the primary) allowed
for each file in the policy class.
[ -d defaultcopies ] Total number of stored copies
(including the primary) for
each file in the policy class.
This value cannot exceed the
maxcopies setting.
[ -m minstoretime ] Minimum time (in minutes) that
a file must reside unmodified
on disk before being
considered a candidate for
storage on media.
Storage Manager
Version 2.6
[ -c mintrunctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for truncation.
[ -a affinity ] Lists disk affinities that the files
in the policy class will traverse
in their lifecycle.
[ -i minreloctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for relocation.
[ -v drivepool ] Media Manager drive pool
used to store or retrieve data
for the policy class.
[ -f i | p ] File retention policy (-f) for the
policy class. Files can be:
• i - Truncated immediately
• p - Truncated at policy
application time
[ -r c | s ] Media classification cleanup
action. When all files are
deleted from a medium, the
medium can revert (-r) back to:
• c - Policy class blank pool
• s - System blank pool
fsaddrelation Adds a directory-to-policy
class association.
directory Path name of the directory to
associate with the policy class.
-c class Policy class to associate with
the directory.
fsclassinfo Reports policy class
processing parameters,
directory paths, and affinity
[ class ] One or more policy classes to
be listed.
[ -l ] Long report - processing
parameters, directory paths,
and the disk affinity list for the
policy class.
fsmodclass Modifies the parameters of the
policy class.
class The policy class.
[ -d defaultcopies ] Total number of copies to store
(including the primary) for
each file in the policy class.
Command Options Description
[ -f i | p ] File retention policy (-f) for the
policy class. Files can be:
• i - Truncated immediately
• p - Truncated at policy
application time
[ -h hardlimit ] Maximum number of media
allowed in the policy class.
[ -l securitycode ] Security code for the policy
class (up to 4 characters in
[ -m minstoretime ] Minimum time (in minutes) that
a file must reside unmodified
on disk before being
considered a candidate for
storage on media.
[ -c mintrunctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for truncation.
[ -i minreloctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for relocation.
[ -n notifyID ] E-mail address of the user to
notify when the policy class’s
softlimit and hardlimit are
[ -o acctnum ] Account number for the policy
class (up to 5 characters in
[ -r c | s ] Media classification cleanup
action. When all files are
deleted from a medium, the
medium can revert (-r) back to:
• c - Policy class blank pool
• s - System blank pool
[ -s softlimit ] Warning limit for the number of
media allocated in the policy
[ -t mediatype ] Defines the media type to use.
[ -a affinity ] Lists disk affinities that the files
in the policy class will traverse
in their lifecycle.
[ -v drivepool ] Media Manager drive pool
used to store / retrieve data.
[ -x maxcopies ] Maximum number of copies
(including the primary) allowed
for each file in the policy class.
Command Options Description