Administrative Tasks
601354 Rev A Initial Configuration 3-19
Create a
Media Class
After an archive is successfully configured and registered with
VolServ, at least one Media Class must be created. Media
Classes are created using the Create Media Class command.
Media Classes provide logical organization of media into
smaller groups. For more information about Media Classes,
refer to the VolServ Overview manual.
Media Classes are central building blocks to media class and
media type migration processes. They are also used by one of
the optional forms of the Mount Media command.
• VolServ software acquires media class parameters via the
GUI and API. Basic Media Class parameters consist of the
class name, media type used, class capacity, mountable by
class option, high mark, notification comment, use
callbacks option, and callback information.
• Media Classes have several important characteristics:
• When a medium is entered into an archive, it is also entered
into a Media Class. The medium can be in one, and only
one, Media Class.
• Once a medium in entered into a group, it can only be
moved into another group by the Reclassify Media
command or a Mount Media command with the reclassify
option selected.
• Only one media type can exist within a group.
• Media Classes can be associated with more than one
VolServ has to be running to create a Media Class.