The complete picture.
Owner’s Guide
This chapter gives you information about SnapScan
about the
organization, and how to use this online guide .
C h ap t e r 1 — P r e p ari n g t h e s c an n e r
“Preparing the scanner” explains how to prepare your SnapScan for
Chapter 2 — Installing the scanner for the Macintosh computer
This chapter tells you how to set up your SnapScan for the Apple
Chapter 3 — Installing the scanner for the PC
This chapter shows you how to set up your SnapScan for the PC.
Appendix A — Using the transparency option
This appendix instructs you on how to connect, how to use, and how to clean
the transparency option.
Appendix B — Using the automatic document feeder
Here you find instructions on how to connect, how to use, and how to clean
the automatic document feeder.
Appendix C — Troubleshooting
“Troubleshooting” can be helpful when you come across problems.
Appendix D — Technical information: SnapScan 300
This appendix provides specifications for your SnapScan 300.
Appendix E — Technical information: SnapScan 600
This appendix provides specifications for your SnapScan 600.
Appendix F — Regulation compliance
This appendix gives you information about safety regulations and
electromagnetic interference.