Figure 21. DynaView
main processor
The DynaView
(DV) Operator
Interface contains the “Main
Processor (MP)” and is mounted on
the unit control panel front door
where it communicates commands
to other modules, collecting data,
status and diagnostic information
from the other modules over the IPC
(Inter Processor Communications)
link. The Main Processor (MP)
software controls water flows by
starting pumps and sensing flow
inputs, establishes a need to heat or
cool, performs pre-lube, performing
post-lube, starts the compressor(s),
performs water temperature control,
establishes limits, and pre-positions
the inlet guide-vanes.
The MP contains non-volatile
memory both checking for valid set
points and retaining them on any
power loss. System data from
modules (LLID) can be viewed at the
operator interface. Such
as evaporator and condenser water
temperatures, outdoor air
temperature, evaporator and
condenser water pump control,
status and alarm relays, external
auto-stop, emergency stop,
evaporator and condenser water
pressure drops and evaporator and
condenser water flow switches.
presents three menu
tabs across the top which are
labeled “MAIN, REPORTS, and
The Main screen provides an overall
high level chiller status so the
operator can quickly understand the
mode of operation of the chiller.
The Chiller Operating Mode will
present a top level indication of the
chiller mode (Auto, Running, Inhibit,
Run Inhibit, etc.) The “additional
information” icon (arrow) will
present a subscreen that lists in
further detail the subsystem modes.
(See Machine Operating Modes.)
Main screen content can be viewed
by selecting the up or down arrow
icons. The Main screen is the default
screen and after an idle time of 30