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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Quick Configuration Guide
This preface describes the audience, organization, and conventions of the Cisco MDS 9000 Family
Fabric Manager Quick Configuration Guide. It also provides information on how to obtain related
This guide is for experienced network administrators who are responsible for configuring and
maintaining the Cisco MDS 9000 Family of multilayer directors and fabric switches.
This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter Title Description
Chapter 1 Overview Describes the flow of the Cisco MDS 9000
Fabric Manager Quick Configuration Guide
and gives a brief overview of Fabric Manager
components and their capabilities.
Chapter 2 Initial Switch Configuration Explains how to install the hardware and set up
the switch.
Chapter 3 Installing Fabric Manager Provides detailed steps for installing Cisco
Fabric Manager.
Chapter 4 Fabric Manager Client Provides an in-depth description of the GUI
and the capabilities of the Fabric Manager
Chapter 5 Configuring VSANs and Interfaces Describes how to configure VSANs and
Chapter 6 Configuring Zones and Zone Sets Provides basic configuration information for
zones and zone sets.
Appendix A Launching Fabric Manager in Cisco
SAN-OS Releases Prior to 3.2(1)
Provides instructions for launching Fabric
Manager Client in Cisco SAN-OS releases
prior to 3.2(1).