Our Thanks to You and
Customer Assistance
Printed in China Part No. 480-344-P
Owner’s Manual
Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra
Our Thanks to You
Thank you for purchasing a CobraMarine
VHF/GMRS Dual Band radio. Properly
used, this Cobra
product will give you many years of reliable service.
How Your CobraMarine VHF/GMRS Radio Works
This dual band radio is a battery-powered portable transceiver for use afloat or on
land. In Marine VHF mode it gives you two-way vessel-to-vessel and vessel-to-
shore station communications, primarily for safety and secondarily for navigation
and operational purposes. In GMRS mode it allows you to reach other GMRS
capable radios for short-distance two-way land mobile communication. This mode is
normally used for small group communication such as in a general residential area
or during recreational group outings. Note: GMRS radio usage requires an FCC
Besides two-way communications, the radio can provide quick access to receive
all the NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) weather
channels and alert you to weather emergencies with a tone on a weather channel
you can select for your area.
Customer Assistance
Should you encounter any problems with this product, or not understand
its many features, please refer to this owner’s manual. If you require further
assistance after reading this manual, Cobra Electronics offers the following customer
assistance services:
For Assistance in the U.S.A.
Automated Help Desk English only.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week 773-889-3087 (phone).
Customer Assistance Operators English and Spanish.
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central Time Mon. through Fri. (except holidays)
773-889-3087 (phone).
Questions English and Spanish.
Faxes can be received at 773-622-2269 (fax).
Technical Assistance English only.
www.cobra.com (on-line: Frequently Asked Questions).
English and Spanish. productinfo
@cobra.com (e-mail).
For Assistance Outside the U.S.A.
Contact Your Local Dealer
Customer Assistance
©2007 Cobra Electronics Corporation™
6500 West Cortland Street
Chicago, Illinois 60707 USA