Dacor MDW24S Dishwasher User Manual

U s e & C a r e
M i l l e n n i a ™ 2 4 - i n C h
B U i lt - i n D i s h wa s h e r
Part No. 100994 Rev. B
For Use With:
Model MDW24S
t a B l e o f C o n t e n t s
Important Safety InStructIonS .................................................1
ettInG to Know your DIShwaSher ..........................................4
LoaDInG your DIShwaSher ........................................................8
operatInG your DIShwaSher ...................................................12
LeanInG anD maIntenance ......................................................16
Before you caLL for ServIce .................................................19
noteS .....................................................................................24
arranty & ServIce ..............................................................25
warranty carD ....................................................... BacK cover