Client: Select Brands (Wal*Mart)
Project: 169211
Language: EN (US)
Date: 26.06.2009
Version: 03
Page: 6 (of 11 pages)
Before first use
• Removeallpackagingmaterial,labelsand/orstickersfromyourtoaster.Makesure
there is no packaging material remaining in the slots.
• Cleantoasterthoroughlybeforeusingitforthersttime( Cleaning).
NOTE: Due to the manufacturing process, the toaster may emit a slight burning odor.
Let the toaster complete a few toasting cycles without food, until no odor or smoke
is present. Note: use the toaster in a well ventilated area and select 7 as the highest
Operating instructions
• Makesurenofoodorotherobjectsareinsidetheslots (1). Place the toaster on a
• Makesurebothcrumbtrays(8) are inserted properly (ill.
• Removeanyprotectivewrappingsfromfoodsbeforeplacingthemintheslots(1).
Do not toast torn food as it may become lodged in the slots (1).
NOTE: Both toasting units work independently from each other. You can, for example,
toast food with the left unit's two toasting slots (1), while simultainously toasting bagels
with the right unit.
• Insertthebreadslicesinoneoftheslotpairs(1) (ill.
). Select the desired browning
setting with the browning control knob (7) of the chosen toasting unit (ill.
Choose between settings 1 to 7 according to your preference.
• Inserttheplug(3)intoa120V~60Hzwalloutlet(ill.
• Pressdownthetoastlift(2) (ill.
). The toasting process begins.
• Duringthetoastingcycle,the
cancel button (10) is illuminated blue. To stop or
interrupt a toasting cycle, press the
cancel button (ill.
); toaster food will pop
up and the toaster will turn off.
• The toaster foodwill pop up when it has reachedthe corresponding browning
level (ill.
169211-03 (EN).indd 6 6/26/09 12:51:05 PM