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Honeywell International Inc. makes no representations or warranties
with respect to this product.
F118 In-Ceiling
Media Air Cleaner
The F118 In-Ceiling Media Air Cleaner uses a three-speed
direct-drive, forward-curve blower motor and a 95 percent
DOP particle filter to capture airborne particles such as dust,
soot, and cooking smoke from the air circulated through it.
When equipped with two CPZ™ modules, the air cleaner also
adsorbs gases and odors from the air passing through it. The
F118 is recommended for use in rooms with drop ceilings, and
for spaces with structural ceilings not higher than 16 feet (4.8
meters) where there is a minimum one-foot (0.3 meter)
clearance between the drop ceiling and the structural ceiling.
The air cleaner is designed to use the Coanda effect to
circulate air throughout the space. This effect is the tendency
of air to travel close to a wall contour when ejected from a jet.
The air cleaner draws contaminated air up from the center of
the room, forces it through the filters, and then blows the
filtered air out through the narrow ends of the air cleaner.
• The DOP particle filter is 95 percent efficient at 0.3
micron particles, and more efficient on particles
smaller and larger.
•CPZ™ modules can reduce space odors.
• Circulates up to 425 cubic feet per minute (723 cubic
meters per hour).
• Provides Coanda air distribution by drawing in dirty
air, cleaning it, and bi-directionally recirculating the
filtered air throughout the space.
• Designed to overcome the increase in air flow
resistance normally caused by filter loading.
• White color cover complements the ceiling.
• Accessible three-speed pushbutton switch.
• Optional wall-mounted remote switch.
• Filters are easily removed and replaced.
Application ........................................................................ 1
Features ........................................................................... 1
Specifications ................................................................... 2
Ordering Information ........................................................ 2
Planning the Installation ................................................... 3
Installation ........................................................................ 4
Operation .......................................................................... 8
Service ............................................................................. 8
Parts list ............................................................................ 9
Limited Two-Year Warranty .............................................. 12