U s es only 1.2 gallons ( 4.5 lit ers) o f
wat e r per r a c k
U s es 28.8 gallons ( 109 lit ers) of wat e r
per hou r
C l eans 24 r acks per hou r
Two m i n ut e au t om a tic c y cle
Po we r f u l 3/4 HP w ash pump mot or
Fr e sh wa t er r i nse e l imina tes w ash wat e r
c o nt a minatio n
A i r- i nsula t ed bet w een body and stain -
l e ss s t eel h o u sing
Uniqu e timer a ll o ws the m a c hi n e
t o be cust om i ze d fo r e x tended
c y cle t imes
304 s t ain less st eel c onstruc t i on
Standard Features
Avenger™ LT
Avenger™ LT
CSI Section 11400
Optional Features
Water Hammer Arrestor
Back Panel
Accessory Items
Automatic fill
Push button start
Labyrinth type door design
Automatic pumped drain for floor
and wall drain installations
36 Compartment Racks 4-1/8”,
5-5/8”, or 7” (105 mm, 143 mm,
178 mm)
Combination Rack
Peg Rack
Machine stand 6” or 18” high
(152 mm or 457 mm)
Highway 25E
P. O. Box 1060
Barbourville, KY 40906
Tel: 606-523-9795
Tel: 1-888-800-5672
Fax: 606-523-9196
E-mail: info@jacksonmsc.com
7610-003-34-04 (04/07)
Recirculating wash and rinse
Stainless steel wash/rinse pump
Electro mechanical components
Manual override for extended
wash and deliming
Simplified controls allow easy
access for operation and service
Door safety switch
Pumped drain
One (1) each peg and combina-
tion rack included
Above water scrap tray
Built-in chemical pumps