Tl_e "Temperature.Controlled Meat Cooking Guide" and ""Reheating Guide" on Pages 22 and 23 will show
you which multi.power setting and temperature setting are recommended for the food you are cooking.
When cooking with the temperature control settings, the timer is not used_
1. Place the temperature probe into the
food with the first inch of the
sensor in ihe center of the food..
The probe should be in a
level direction or on an
angleasshown° ItshouM
NOT be put in from
the top°
2. Plug the temperature
probe into the socket on
the side of theoven,
CAUTION: Do not plug
the pointedendof the
temperature probe into
the sockeL
3.Touch CLEAR.
4. Touch MICRO TEMP.
The lights above TEMP and
M]CRO, below COOK t will
go on, and "F" wi_[tshow in
the display window.
5. Choose the food temperature
and touch the corresponding
numbers. For exam#e, if the
recipecalls for doneness at
165°F, you would touch
numbers "1" "6" and "5".
When you touch "165", the
display windowwillshow
"t65F"., If the temperature
probeis not pluggedinto the
socket, the word "Prob" will
flash and the oven willnot
work. _ _ C]Z3
NOTE: The highest tempera*
ture that can be set is 185°E
The word "H!" wil!show in
the display window until you
enter a lower power setting.
This is to remind you that the
oven will alwaysoperate at full
power unless you set a lower
Choose the power control
setting you desire and touch
the corresponding 9umbers_
For examgte, if the recipe
should _ for cooking at the
"70 (ROAST)" setting, you
would touch numbers "7" and
When you touch "7" and "0",
the displax?window will show
"70". This!means that in the
"70 (ROAST)" setting, the
oven is at power level 70_
NOTE: You do not need to
touch MICRO POWER when
you ate cooldng with H] (max
power)° To set "HI..POWER"
Cooking, skip steps 6 and 7
above. However, if MICRO
POWER is touched, the light
above MICRO will 9o on and the
word "HI" wi_]show in the
display winddw. This is to teU
you that the oven willwork at HI
(highest microwave Power)
unless a different power setting is
8+ Touch STiM_T_The oven will
begin to cook and you will be
able to see the"temperature of
the food rising in the display
, A tone wilI sound and the
word "End" will show in the
display wipdow for 2 seconds
when the desired temperature
is reached.
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.,.==..=- _
NOTE: if you want to keep the food warm after
finishing the :set cooking, you can use "Hold Warm"
feature,. For detailed instructions on using "Hold
Warm" feature, see page 16.