Food Preparation Drying Time Uses
Mushrooms* Clean with soft brush 4-10 hrs. Rehydrate for soups, meat
or cloth. Don't wash dishes, omelets or frying
Onions Remove skins, tops, and 6-12 hrs. Soups, stews and sauces.
root ends. Slice 3/8" thick Powder for seasoning salt
Package immediately
Peas Shell, wash and blanch 5-14 hrs. Soups, stews and mixed
Peppers Remove stem & seeds. 5-12 hrs. Soups, stews, pizza, meat
Cut into 1/2" pieces dishes and seasoning
Peppers (hot) Wash, slice or cut in half 3-20 hrs. Soups, stews, pizza,
remove seeds if you desire and seasoning
a milder pepper.
Potatoes Use white potatoes. Peel and 6-12 hrs. Stews, soups and casseroles
slice 3/8" thick.Blanch.
Rinse and dry**
Tomatoes Wash and slice 3/8" circles 6-12 hrs. Soups and stews. Powder in
or dip in boiling water to blender and add water for
loosen skins, halve or quarter paste or sauce.*** Dry in
roll-up form for pizza sauce
Zucchini or Wash, remove ends and 5-10 hrs. Breads, chips with
Squash slice 3/8" thick or grate. dip, soups and casserole.
Steam if you plan to rehydrate (1 week shelf life)
* Dry at 80°-90°F for 2 to 3 hours then turn temperature up to 120°-125° and dry
for remaining time.
**Blanch for 5 minutes or until translucent. If not steamed long enough, they will turn
black during drying and storage.
***For information on rehydrating tomato powder and uses, see page 20.
Vegetable Drying Guidelines