Morphy Richards 47076 Coffeemaker User Manual

1122 ccuupp ffiilltteerr ccooffffeeee mmaakkeerr
Please read and keep these instructions
CM47076 Rev 1
For replacement parts, help with using your Morphy Richards product,
problems and lots more, contact us by phone or through our website.
UUKK HHeellpplliinnee:: 00884444 887711 00994466
RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss:: 00884444 887733 00771122
IIrreellaanndd HHeellpplliinnee:: 11880000 440099 111199
GGeettttiinngg tthhee bbeesstt ffrroomm yyoouurr nneeww ccooffffeeee mmaakkeerr......
Safety first
Caution must be used when handling hot water, coffee or steam.
Run water through your machine before first use
It is important to run water through your coffee maker in order to rinse the
machine. You can also run water through to warm your coffee machine.
Descale as appropriate for the hardness of the
water in your area
It is important to descale as the performance of your coffee maker may be
impaired by limescale and other impurities in the water supply.
47076 Rev1 29/4/08 11:28 Page 1