Section 78
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XM500 I/O Module
• Adds I/O to J1939 Network
• Works with Standard J1939 Display Modules
• Wide Operating Temperature Range
• Industry Standard Deutsch Enclosure and
• Custom Programming Available
The XM500 is a configurable Input / Output (I/O) module designed to bring analog input and
digital input and output information onto the SAE J1939 Controller Area Network. Your
application may require monitoring additional I/O information which may not be provided by the
OEM Engine or Transmission Electronic Control Unit (ECU), such as Fuel Level, Hydraulic Oil
Pressure, or a Low Engine Coolant Level switch. The XM500 is ideally suited to bring the
additional information you need onto the J1939 CAN bus, and can be configured to broadcast
fault codes and activate digital outputs per input conditions such as Fuel Level Low, Hydraulic
Oil Temperature High, etc. Because the XM500 broadcasts information using the J1939
standard protocol, the information can be displayed using standard J1939 display modules,
such as the PowerView PV101.