The AX-1200K SuperSteam™ Oven can be built into a wall cabinet.
It coordinates beautifully when installed above Sharp’s 30-inch Microwave Drawer® appliance.
AX-1200K, AX-1200S
The Combination of Technologies in the SuperSteam
Makes It Easy to Cook Healthy
Today, more and more people aspire to a healthy lifestyle, a lifestyle that includes healthy eating—and healthy food preparation.
Enter the Sharp SuperSteam Oven. This new multi-purpose oven incorporates the healthiest ways to cook: superheated steam,
convection, steam and microwave. It is programmed to know which cooking method is best for the food selected, using the menu-
driven controls.
• TheSuperSteamOvenoffersauniquecombinationofthehealthiest
ways to cook all in one oven: SuperSteam, Convection, Steam and
Microwave. It cooks a wide variety of foods without compromising
taste or appearance. SuperSteam technology actually browns and
crisps foods while retaining moisture and natural flavors. Meats,
poultry, fish and seafood are exceptionally moist and tender.
• Microwaveoptionprovidesspeedandconvenience.
• LCDdisplayandautomaticsettingsassureexcellentresults.
• BalancedMealssettingautomaticallycookscompletemealsin25minutes.
• It’stheperfectsecondovenorsecondmicrowave.
• Foodsthataregoodforyouwilllookandtastebetterthanyouever
• It’snotjustwhatyoucook,it’showyoucookit.Nowyoucanget
moist, flavorful results without the addition of fats and oils.
• No other ovencooks in so many healthy ways,giving you more
control over what you eat and how you cook it. It can help change
the way you eat by changing the way you cook.
• SuperSteamCookbookincludeshealthyrecipes,cookingtipsand
nutritional information to encourage healthier cooking and eating.
Steam is Hot
• Consumerswantfoodsthatarefreshandavorful.Theyknowthat
steam is a natural, gentle cooking method, preserving nutrients and
superheated steam that browns and crisps.
• Steam is being used in many applications: cooking appliances,
washers and dryers, dishwashers, microwave frozen foods and
steaming bags for microwave cooking.
Flexible Placement
• Buildintoa30-inchwallovencabinetwithSharp’sdeluxebuilt-inkit.
• Built-indesigncoordinateswithotherSharpInsight®andInsight
Pro®appliances. Tocreatea uniquecooking center,build the
Sharp SuperSteam Oven above a Sharp Microwave Drawer or
• Placeonthecountertoporcartifbuilt-insarenotanoption.
Consumer Trends
• The SuperSteam Oven is ideal for empty nesters, retiring baby
boomers and smaller households, some of the fastest growing
consumer segments.
• Smallermealsarebeingcookedathome.Familiesofteneatdifferent
foods, even when they dine together, fueling the need for smaller,
specialized cooking appliances.
• The“WellnessConsumer”wantstoeathealthier,tobemorephysically
active and to take action to lower health risks. What better target for
the Sharp SuperSteam Oven?