Tablet PC Datasheet
Tablet PCs from Microsoft® Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM)
Partners, combined with industry solutions from leading independent
software vendors (ISVs) and system integrator partners, provide the
wireless mobile access that can help educators tackle the challenges
they face. The evolution of the notebook PC, these new portable
devices combine the power and functionality of notebook PCs with
next-generation pen-and-ink and built-in wireless capabilities to
transform the way educational materials are created, shared, and used.
Today, the Tablet PC, with its longer battery life, is redefining mobility,
putting the power of the familiar Microsoft Windows® XP user interface
in the hands of teachers, students, and administrators in more situations
than ever before.
Benefits Include:
• Enhanced Student-Teacher Interaction: The Tablet PC enables new
levels of student-educator engagement and collaboration, both inside
and outside the classroom.
• Greater Learning Effectiveness: Teachers and students can record
lectures and synchronize audio with their presentation notes. Lectures
can then be made available for review and selective playback at
any time.
• More Convenient Mobile Education: For students and teachers, the
wireless capabilities and unique form factor of the Tablet PC can turn
almost any location into a remote classroom where they can access
the resources they need.
Innovation within your reach.
Increasingly, educators are looking to technology tools to help them engage students more effectively,
to increase teacher effectiveness, and to enhance collaboration both inside and outside of the class-
room. One of the key challenges they face today is to create a more vibrant and interactive learning
environment that will improve the educational experience for students. From the largest university
lecture hall to the smallest grade-school classroom, teachers are always searching for better ways to
share information with students, deliver more interactive learning materials, and facilitate participation
in rich and engaging class discussions.
• Improved Note-Taking Capabilities: The ability to use the Tablet PC
to take notes using pen-and-ink applications saves time for educators
and students, while creating a richer, more interactive
classroom experience.
• Better Student Retention and Higher Test Scores: By improving
learning effectiveness and student-teacher collaboration, the Tablet
PC can help increase attendance and raise test scores.
• Reduced Teacher Workload: Because it makes it easier to grade
papers and create, share, and reuse classroom materials, Tablet PCs
enable teachers to spend more time working with students and
less time on paperwork.
Call-out Customer Evidence:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): At MIT’s 2002
International Design Contest (IDC)—a robot design competition—
participating student teams used Acer Tablet PCs to streamline
collaboration and design. Since the 2002 IDC, MIT has expanded the
use of Acer and Toshiba Tablet PCs to enhance the learning process for
project-based courses. Benefits include better teamwork and improved
access to Web-based services.