I believe the ice maker is overflowing, so not sure what type of level switch shuts off the flow of water. Trying to troubleshoot, but I do not have a manual

Asked by Joe on 08/27/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 4 months ago

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5 Be careful that you get the right drawing. It sounds like the ice maker time limit switch is faulty. Time the water flow into the ice maker. It should not be over 7-8 seconds. It is located on the left side of the ice maker. Remove the screws and pull out the ice maker unit. pull the left side of the icemaker off and put the new part in.
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0 That's great, Is there apart number? I entered "ice maker time limit swith into the search or a part and got nothing. So far I have replaced the water inlet valve and theice control module and still haven't fixed the problem. -lt4bl
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