A red coloured three wave lines has appeared next to the time indicator when any time is entered, but not when zero is selected. The cooking cycle appears ok and food heats normally. Is there a problem

Asked by Anne on 07/23/2013 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years, 5 months ago

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5 Hi there, those three wavy lines usually represent steam, which may mean it's in defrost mode or some form of cooking mode, or it could be entirely normal. Does your microwave sound like the power is starting and stopping while cooking? This would indicate a mode other than full power. If it's constant and cooks as normal, there isn't much need to worry. I scoured the internet and Belling's own website and there is no manual available. If you have your own, I would recommend reading it as the meaning of this symbol is sure to be in there. Alternatively, you can ask Belling yourself by contacting them on this page: http://www.belling.co.uk/customer-care/#contact-us Thanks, Brendan
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0 Hi there, those three wavy lines usually represent steam, which may mean it's in defrost mode or some form of cooking mode, or it could be entirely normal. Does your microwave sound like the power is starting and stopping while cooking? This would indicate a mode other than full power. If it's constant and cooks as normal, there isn't much need to worry.us Thanks, Brendan
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