Our Dimplex 46724, 800w, Black, Microwave Oven turns off after 3 seconds, regardless of the time set, why? How do we fix this?

Asked by Thea on 02/17/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 11 months ago

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0 I am posting an answer to my own question for the sake of anyone else who may have this problem. Thanks to the swift response from the Dimplex customer service, we figured it out. serviceshared@dimpco.ie. is their contact link. Our microwave was (for some unknown reason) stuck in the Auto Cook Mode. We auto-cooked some popcorn, and then the oven started working normally again. Here are instructions on how to auto-cook with the Dimplex 46724 800W microwave. "AUTO COOK For food or the following cooking mode, it is not necessary to program the duration and the cooking power. It is sufficient to indicate the type of food that you wish to cook as well as the weight of this food. In order to do this, rotate the MENU/TIME dial to select a category of food/cooking mode, and then press WEIGHT ADJUST to indicate weight of food to be cooked. The oven begins cooking once the START button is engaged. You may need to turn food over at the middle of cooking time to obtain uniform cooking. For example: to cook 400g of fish. 1. Turn MENU/TIME dial anti-clockwise until code 6 displays. 2. Press WEIGHT ADJUST to indicate a weight of 400g. 3. Press START button. Auto Cook Menu Code Food/cooking mode 1 Milk/Coffee (200ml/cup) 2 Rice (g) 3 Spaghetti (g) 4 Potato (230g/unit) 5 Auto Reheat (g) 6 Fish (g) 7 Pizza (g) 8 Popcorn (99g) 1. Press WEIGHT ADJUST to select weight of food. 2. The result of auto cooking depends on factors such as fluctuation of voltage, the shape and size of food, your personal preference as to the doneness of certain foods and even how well you happen to place food in the oven. If you find the result at any rate not quite satisfactory, please adjust the cooking time a little bit accordingly. 3. For Spaghetti add boiling water before cooking"
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