need instructions on how to set the clock. Thank You.

Asked by Robyn on 01/11/2012 16  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 12 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
6 worked
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5 The above instructions did not work on mine eitherHeres the manual. Hope it helps others in future. Clock set for the BMO700 sometimes searched as BM0700 or BMO700s is. 1.Clock button 2.Cancel button 3.Type in time eg. for 1am type 100 4.Clock button When 'clock button' is repressed, all time data is lost.
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4 Heres the manual. Hope it helps others in future. Clock set for the BMO700 sometimes searched as BM0700 or BMO700s is. 1.Clock button 2.Cancel button 3.Type in time eg. for 1am type 100 4.Clock button Good luck I found this manual. W623-1.pdf
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3 thank you this was very easy. ,much appreciated
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3 still looking for manual?
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2 Thank you 'Mankymanon man' .. How easy was that !!!
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0 It doesn't work on my one
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0 This does not work The repress of 'clock' button erases the time
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0 Worked! Clock button then cancel button then set time then clock button to finish...Thank you
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