I've got a model BNA17 Black & Decker thermoelectric refrigerator that popped a component on the ckt board right at the power connection in... Does anybody have a schematic for this unit and or can tell me what this component is?

Asked by Aaron on 06/01/2012 7  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 12 years, 6 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
4 ...schematic or a part number as they only had an overview picture of the PCB. You can order the whole PCB here . http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Main-Control-Board/RF521060/1636738?modelNumber=BNA17B. Or as I said use the PN for the thermistor and replace that. Goodluck! Hope I helped.
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4 It's not a "pill capacitor". It's a thermistor. Thermistor part number MF72 5d11. Don't even try to go through black and decker. I started with calling the customer service, they don't deal with refrigerators and gave me the number for the company that handles their refrigeration customers. They were also no help and gave me the number for their distributor. They were semi helpful as they found the PCB that were talking about but couldn't give me a...
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2 I know the what you're talking about....it's a "pill" capacitor..... same thing happened to mine..... when B&D had the boards made a capacitor that was strong enough wasn't installed......thats why 99% of them stop working. I don't have the schematics for the board and I don't know the value of the capacitor, but....... you can take the two ends that are left sticking out of the board and bend them together for a TEMPORARY fix, but DO NOT LEAVE IT THAT WAY FOR LONG....could cause fire.
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