leak from brewing basket. any fixes out there? thanks anita

Asked by anita on 07/05/2010 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 5 months ago

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0 I had this problem intermittently, then it got worse, spilling all the brewed coffee onto the counter and floor. I solved it by throughly cleaning around the valve on top of the thermal pot lid with a toothbrush. I also cleaned the underside of the lid, where another valve opens to let the coffee into the carafe. It is now working without leaking.
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0 Apologies - My solution does not apply to the espresso maker! I have a Capresso MT-600 coffeemaker with a thermal carafe.
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0 I found it to be a worn out o-ring where the the press is pressing the espresso. Because there was no seal, all of the water was leaking out with the grounds in to the discard bin. You have to open the thing up, and I was able to see the o-ring actually broken and hanging down. I pulled it out, went to the hardware store to find a similar size and stuck it back on the the press. Fixed it good as new.
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