cant get ice machine to work, water works. do i need to hook something up? huge roll of water tubing in fridge side

Asked by hale111 on 03/09/2008 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 9 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 I have the same problem, just started a week ago. Water works fine but is not as cool, I tried the accelerice setting, no help. I tried manually filling the dispenser with water in the hopes that something would jump start, nothing. I have the manual but it does not give any advice on this issue.
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0 I just talked to a service appliance person and she explained to me if the forks which separate the ice cubes are extruding than the whole ice make needs to be replace. The motor unit is the culprite but the its is easier to replace the whole unit since the motor unit is close in price. I just bought the unit and the price tag was $167 including taxes. I am attempting the installation myself saving myself two hundred... Wish me luck
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0 I just talked to a service appliance person and she explained to me if the forks which separate the ice cubes are extruding than the whole ice make needs to be replace. The motor unit is the culprite but the its is easier to replace the whole unit since the motor unit is close in price. I just bought the unit and the price tag was $167 including taxes. I am attempting the installation myself saving myself two hundred... Wish me luck
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