The metal plate in the back of the side-by-side freezer is frosting up. What is the problem?

Asked by Joe on 01/21/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years ago

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0 I appreciate your inquiry, jbjmoelter! I understand that you are receiving frost in the back of your Crosley freezer and you would like to know what could cause that. Typically, frost is due to condensation. You can receive condensation inside of your freezer by a water leak or air leak. I would suggest checking your gasket to make sure there is not air leak. You can do that by using a dollar bill. Place the dollar bill between the freezer and the body of the freezer once that has been completed you would pull on the bill. If it comes out with little resistance the gasket could be bad. I hope this information is helpful to some degree. –OOS
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