have the dcc-2400 str model. My wife has a heck of a time measuring when she puts in the water, if she measures out the cups it comes out way wrong...is there a simple way to do this?? Thanks in advance. STEVE

Asked by steve on 06/14/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 7 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 While I think this coffee maker brews a good cup of coffee, the measuring of water is terrible. The "step water level indicators" are so very difficult to see when you are filling the resevoir, but that is what I use. I typically make 10 cups per pot every day, so I know how much of water to put in a pitcher to get to the 10 cup level. Good Luck.
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0 Is it possible she is using 8 oz cups. This machine makes twelve 5oz cups. If you only want to make 4 cups of coffee, the correct amount of water would be 20 oz, or 2 1/2 cups (measured in a measuring cup).
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