The display on my cooker is flashing dashes and the buttons don't seem to be working. Please help

Asked by Jennifer on 03/07/2015 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 9 months ago

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0 I figured out when ours was having this problem that there was something wrong with the little detector button on the inside center of the appliance.  I found when I pushed it all the way down it started to work- so it seemed like the crock wasn't pushing it far enough down for it to register.  So by adding a nickle I pushed it down and kept it in place with an "x" of duct tape.  That way when I put the crock back in- this time it was pushed far enough down to work.. It has bought us some time!  Customer service was of NO HELP.  Good luck.
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0 Thank you so much!!  This happened to me after I had the corned beef, onions, potatoes, etc. loaded into the cooker for a St. Patrick's Day feast.  My son-in-law found your answer and it worked!  You are a miracle worker!!
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