Woke up yesterday to find my Daewoo 1510W over the range unit dead. Breaker at breaker panel was tripped. Unplugged Daewoo for several hours. Power available at outlet, but when plugged back in, nothing. no clocl, light exhaust fansno microwave. Plugging back in did NOT trip the breaker again. I hear there is an internal fuse, but where? access? Wonder hy breaker tipped if unit wasn't in use??

Asked by Paul on 08/30/2012 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 12 years, 4 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 Solved the problem! Removed the clock/control panel module, and in the compartment behind this (besides a whole lot of other stuff) was an in-line blown 250V/20A fuse. Picked this $1 item up at appliance repair supply store, replaced and microwave works like a champ. For those wondering: wiring diagram for the Daewoo 1510W is folded up and tucked into the back of the clock/control panel module.
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