dishwasher timer appears to malfunction

Asked by Ralph on 02/16/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 10 months ago

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5 This is really a shot in the dark only because I have actually seen this in a similar case where after the first rinse cycle pryer to the release of the soap, the machine was supposed to drain and fill then release the soap, but the machine would not refill again because there was gunk built up under the float at the bottom of the washer. After the machine shut itself off because it could not finish the cycle the float would slowly drop back down forcing the old head scratch. I started up a fresh cycle and after the drain I opened the door before it was suppose to fill and that's when I noticed the float with a little bit of black crud sticking underneath went off to get a brush and when I came back 10 mins. later I couldn't see it anymore, because the float had lowered down slowly. I removed the float and cleaned a lot of this sticky black sludge off the inside and started it back up., waited for the drain cycle and waited to hear the fill cycle start and voila the washer went on to complete its job. Like I said, it's a shot in the dark but it's cheaper than a new one :D
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