I bought a instant heat kettle on the 22 april from aldi in weston super mare. I have found that if water is left in the reservoir for an hour or so the water comes out with a tardy taste and smell, I have washed it out several times and have soaked over night. do you know if there is a problem with this product.

Asked by alan on 04/26/2012 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 12 years, 8 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
4 Hi bought the same item, no problem with leaving water in tank. Trying to get hold of another for my caravan. Arthur Deakin
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0 I have similar problem ...heavy metallic after taste....seems to be reheating any small residue causes the problem.. Our previous kettle was plastic so no metallic issues. Just try emptying it before use. A bit of a chore but works.
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0 I bought a delta instant heat kettle from Aldi. There were no instructions enclosed. Can anybody help?
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0 My kettle not only leaks, but when I turn the top tap off it starts boiling. Hope I don't get electric shock because of leaks.The guarantee had just run out so was informed that Aldi could not exchange it.Would have to return to maker. Not possible as I am `getting on a bit' and am a carer. Emailed makers twice to ask them to send me another via local Aldi, but still no reply.
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0 Just bought a Delta instant heat kettle HWB1700. Does any one know why when I press the ON button the OFF button lights up . Is this normal, as I thought that the ON button would light up. Weird :-(
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