waters does not pump out

Asked by Chris on 03/20/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 9 months ago

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0 I appreciate your post, chrisandjackiewitter! From the information you have provided your Electrolux dishwasher, FGHD2433KW1, is not pumping out water. This could be a clog in the filter or a faulty drain pump. I would recommend checking the drain hose to make sure it is not restricted or kinked. There is also a filter located in the bottom of your dishwasher. You need to remove the lower rack in order to access this filter, once you have pulled it up clean it out to make sure there is no debris that could cause water to drain out. I hope this information has been helpful to some degree. If you need further assistance please feel free to reconnect. –OOS
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