microwave stopped working code f44

Asked by Evelyn on 04/10/2015 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 8 months ago

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0 Good Afternoon evelyn.r.beck, thank you for your inquiry! From my understanding your Electrolux oven is displaying an error code of “F44”. An “F44” error code stands for the microwave’s external cooling fan speed is abnormally fast you may need to check the external cooling fan to assure there is nothing blocking the flow of air. You may need to perform a reset on your oven in order to clear out any miscommunication. You can reset your oven by flipping off the household circuit breaker for at least ten minutes. If that does not help clear out the code you may need to have a technician out to perform a proper diagnosis. This will help you avoid any unnecessary part purchases. –OOS
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