has really fallen. i cannot afford to buy another toaster oven neverless go outto a shipping store and pay to send it back. i am 90% housebound and have to rely on other people to get me to places i have to go. i am writing because i just have to vent i feel companies get too much of our money not to back their products.hopefully i will receive another toaster oven for christmas but i am sure that it will be from my sister and it probably make her frustated that she had already purchased and gave me one last year.she probably will fell like she threw her money away. i am truly disappointed in the failure of my euro-pro product. i do not think euro pro will be on my products t trust list. i have many other euro pro products and it is usually the first brand i look for because the products are usually a better deal than the other brands but in this cait sure wasn't worth the few dollars saved. thank you for reading my letter and listening to my complaint. sincerely barbara williams.

Asked by barbara on 12/16/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 1 month ago

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