my baking element is not working but the broiler and the stove top do

Asked by Sue on 03/04/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 10 months ago

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0 Thank you for your inquiry, suethompson914! I see that the baking element inside of your Frigidaire oven, FEF3798CK, is not working. I noticed that you stated your stovetop and broiler are working which could mean that you element is bad. You would need to remove your element and check the continuity or see if there is any visible damage. Additionally, it could also be an issue with the connectors inside of the oven or your thermostat. I would suggest seeking further consultation from a technician if you need any additional assistance with electrical component replacement. If you need help locating a professional I would recommend viewing your manufacturer’s website for assistance in locating your area’s professional. I hope this information has been helpful. –OOS
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