None of the lights lit. I was looking for a elctrical diagram in the manual, but it does not come with one. Thank you

Asked by boris on 08/08/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
2 If you still have this dishwasher, please be cautious. Bought ours 06/12/03 and have had 2 electrical fire meltdowns. About a year ago saw smoke coming from the kickplate area - wires & connectors totally melted - hubby was able to repair. Most recent 12/13/08 control panel would not illuminate - about 30 min later when heading to bed, heard a noise and just happened to see smoke coming from my dishwasher. Don't know what would have happened if I had not heard a popping noise that alerted me! Replacing it today with a Kitchenaid KUDT03FT -- hope this one lasts longer than 5 1/2 years. Almost unbelievable as the same electrical type of problem with our Frigidaire refrigerator/freezer which was also manufactured same month & year June 2003. Would not recommend repairing your dishwasher. This is a dangerous model - hoping to find a recall on it somewhere!
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