Frigidaire 4000 series dishwasher flashed "PF" with "Hi Temp Wash" and "Air Dry" flashing. When I closed the unit, only the "low" light on "rinse only" is on and stays on, and the main screen goes blank. We opened the console and checked the connections, but no luck.

Asked by Aaron on 07/13/2014 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Good Afternoon aaronruhnow, thank you for your post! If you are getting an error code PF, it typically means power failure. Let’s try pressing and releasing the Start/Cancel key to reset the power failure. Depending on your model, the cycle selection and options may have to be selected when the door is open. Otherwise you may try unplugging your dishwasher or flipping the household circuit breaker off. It is best to wait roughly ten minutes and then turn on your dishwasher. If the error code continues to display, I would suggest contacting a professional to accurately diagnose and repair it.
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