Hi, My dishwasher is leaving water in the bottom. I purchased it years ago and the only time it was run was when it was installed to test it out. My sister just moved in and she tried the dishwasher, and it left water in the bottom. this is only the first time since it was new that we ran it. What could be wrong? Thanks, Bob Nezbeda 440-382-0429

Asked by Bob on 06/26/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 6 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Good Morning Bubbanez, I understand that your Frigidaire dishwasher, model# MDB100RGW0, is leaving water in the bottom of the tub. First, if your appliance is hooked up to a food waste disposer, make sure the disposer is empty. Secondly, check to see if the knockout plug has been removed from inside the food waste disposer inlet. Thirdly, check to see if drain hose is kinked. Lastly, make sure cycle is complete, not in a pause. I ask that you please follow up with a comment on the post, at your convenience, to advise if further troubleshooting is needed or if your appliances status has changed successfully. Hope this is helpful. -Best Regards-
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