my Frigidaire dishwasher PLD2855RFC1 goes through the entire cycle except it is not washing the soap bar ends up on the left side. I see some water under and then it drains but its not washing at all, please help.

Asked by Christina on 03/05/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 10 months ago

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0 Hey chrisnine99999, thank you for your post! From what you have described the soap inside of your Frigidaire dishwasher is not dispensing properly. I would recommend checking that water pressure of your dishwasher is between 20-120 PSI. Also if your water temperature is less than 120 degrees it may not be the correct temperature to help dissolve the soap. You may also want to check your detergent and make sure it is not a year old, if it is discard and buy fresh detergent. Make sure that there is nothing blocking the water from reaching the dispenser, you may need to rearrange items when loading to better suit your dishwasher. If these troubleshooting steps do not resolve your issue it could be a problem with your detergent cup and you may need to have a technician out to diagnose it. This will help avoid unnecessary part purchases. –OOS
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