this is a new appliance, installed before we bought the house, but no manual included (FFBD2406NS OA) The cycle runs for almost 3 this normal? Would turning off the heat dry cycle solve this issue?

Asked by Barbara kistler on 02/21/2015 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 9 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Good Afternoon barbara.kistler, thanks for your post! I understand that your Frigidaire dishwasher is running for long periods of time and you need a manual as well. There is a sensor inside of your dishwasher that can tell how dirty the water inside of your dishwasher is. Typically, when your start a load it will be set to whatever cycle you place it to but as the dishes get washed those soils come off into the water and the sensor reads that and if needed will extended the cycle. A step you can perform to help alleviate long washing times is to check if the temperature coming into your dishwasher is 120 degrees. If it is not run your hot water nearest to the dishwasher in order to allow hot water into your dishwasher. If all these steps are completed and you continue to have issues it could be a problem with that sensor or control panel and you may want to perform a reset on it. You can reset your dishwasher by disconnecting power from it for roughly ten minutes. I hope this information is helpful. –OOS
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