Water stopped comming out in dispenser

Asked by mary shaw on 01/05/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years ago

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0 I appreciate your post, mshaw829! I understand that the water dispenser on your Frigidaire refrigerator is no longer dispensing water. Is the dispenser lockout feature on? It would be displayed on your control panel as control lock, if you see the control lock on you would need to hold down the lock button for three to five seconds to release control lock. You may want to check the water lines and assure there are no kinks in the line. It could be a possible problem with your water valve or water line. I would recommend performing a manual defrost to help clear any blockage within your water line. If you continue to experience issues with your water dispenser I would suggest having a professional technician out to perform a diagnosis. I hope this information is helpful. –OOS
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