Just returned from Florida, water dispenser worked for 1 day very slowly, now nothing. Ice maker is working fine. Wondering what the problem could be.

Asked by R Scott on 05/10/2010 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 8 months ago

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0 I have same trouble. Fairly recently changed filter, water was flowing smoothly and full flow. Suddenly stopped. Is the flow just through water pressure, or a pump? If pressure, is the release valve controlled by a solenoid? The plastic bar that activates the light switch and causes the water to flow is fine, and the light turns on, just no water.
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0 Checked helpful GE links here: http://www.geappliances.com/videos-media/?vuuid=ay0bc95l&categoryid=13814 and here: http://www.geappliances.com/service_and_support/faqs/faq_refrigerators.htm Mine has a cool water reservoir in behind the lowest two drawers. It does not appear frozen, there is no water leaked onto the floor of the compartment. I tried removing the water filter but did not have a bypass plug. Activating the switch with the filter removed did not cause water flow out the filter hole.
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