I need to know how to remove the Cutter / Strainer in order to clean. the manual does not give a clear direction. Could you please give me a clear answer?

Asked by Janet on 01/24/2014 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
1 Disassembly: When you finished juicing turn off and unplug the machine. Wait until the strainer stops rotating. Release and lower the safety latch arms. Lift off the cover. (it might have pulp stuck to its inside so have a waste bin handy, or do the disassembly near the sink). Lift off the juice bowl with the strainer-blade still in it. To remove the strainer basket, turn the bowl upside down and carefully remove the strainer (best to do this over the sink). Now you can start the clean up. Don’t put it off because produce fiber will get stuck onto the juicer parts, making washing up more difficult and time consuming.
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0 The manual is not clear at all. All it says is to remove it.
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0 No. I have a manual and it does not tell you how to remove or disassemble the Cutter/Strainer from the motor. I would rate your help as no stars.
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0 I unplugged it from the wall, and couldn't figure out how to remove the stainless steel grater as well, finally I took it over to the sink, turned it upside down, and pulled the strainer out by prying my fingers under the rim, and it popped out. I figured there should be a release button but could not find one. Popping it out with my fingernail worked. then the plastic part it was logged in came out as well.
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