How on earth do i change the language!!! My little one has attacked it and its nationality has changed and i dont understand it!!! please help!

Asked by Rob on 07/17/2009 7  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
7 Hold the P button and delay start button until language flashes, then use half load button to scroll through languages. Press P again to select required language.
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3 Thank you so much for this. I lost 'English' after a power cut and have been 'lavaging' for ages. Instructions in manual didn't sort it!
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0 class would never have gt it thanks
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0 We had the same thing happen after a power cut a month or so ago. It's displaying in what we've subsequently discovered to be Slovenian!!!. Done what is says above & in the manual (pressing the P & delay start buttons simultaneously) but to no avail.... just lots of beeping! Any further ideas???........ apart from buying a Slovenian dictionary!! :-)
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