Ice Machine suddenly stopped working

Asked by tina on 10/02/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 2 months ago

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0 Freguently when you remove the ice maker, one of two things commonly happen. One, the ice bucket does not get inserted fully. It appears to be and the door will fully close but- if you gently pull on the ice bucket and it slides out, then it was NOT fully inserted. The clip or catch at the bottom, underneath has a latch that MUST catch. then the switch is engaged and it will make ice. Number two, someone, usually a shorter member of the family will attempt to reach in and get ice. When doing so, the wire bail gets flipped up. I know you probably checked this but sometimes even the ice build up (at over full levels) can kick it up and when you run out of ice is the first time you realize that maybe the bail is up. The bail is the wire that swings from a 45 degree angle up to a 90. At 90 it's off, at 45 it's on. Anywhere in between, it's OFF. Hope this helps
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