...a drive belt

Asked by on 01/23/2010 9  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 11 months ago

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4 Is there actually any one person in the entire world who knows how to take a Kenwood FP510 processor apart to change the drive belt? There are lots of queries on the internet but no solutions. Somebody must know!
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3 how to change drive belt, how to open bottom of the blender
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3 Once the 5 underneth screws are removed, then you have to remove the cap at the base of the bowl gear axis. Then unscrew the blender gear on the top of the machine. THIS PART SHALL BE UNSCREWED in this opposite direction than the usual one for a screw (ie. you unscrew the part rotating clockwise). I guess this is the best kept secret by kenwood engineers and the solution !
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3 how to change drive belt, how to open bottom of the blender
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3 I have the same problem, the drive belt is broken, I've seen it, unscrewed the 5 screws underneath the blender and ... impossible to get it open. Like if they have put all engineers on "how get it impossible to open by someone not from our maintenance team". If someone has the answer, it will avoid me getting a mace and destroy the poor machine :)
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1 Thanks. Have got into the thing at last. Now I need to source a belt and hopefully the processor will work again
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1 Great help . by holding a srewdriver on the bottem end of the shaft and a firm grip of the top plastic nut thingy and a turn to the right fantastic danm thig was apart. I was about to take to it with a 14 pound hammer. that was the only way I was going to get any joy.
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0 Managed to get inside. as stated take the 5 screws out of the bottom, then use a flat headed driver through the slit at the base of the motor unit to hold the screw whilst turning the top of the spindle clockwise (I used a pair of pliers for grip). Then undo the 3 screws holing the belt unit in place. hope this helps.
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