Why is my coffee maker displaying err2

Asked by Elizabeth Matos on 03/31/2015 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 9 months ago

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1 I had exactly the same problem.  It's likely that the thermal fuse to the heating element is bad (open). One way to test is this. First, unplug for a minute or so then plug back in. Next, fill with water as if to make coffee and press brew. Pay attention to two things- does the burner get hot and do you hear a faint 'click'.  If it gets hot, it's not the fuse. If it doesn't get hot but you hear a faint 'click' when brew is pressed, it very likely is the thermal fuse.  You'll need to unplug  the coffeemaker, remove four screws on the bottom and check the fuse with an ohmmeter.  The fuse is inside a special heatproof tubing with a red wire attached to the heating element.  The fuse can be replaced with a bit of effort and bought on eBay for a few dollars ( buy exact part only and do not overheat when reinstalling).  Don't attempt though unless you know how to solder wires and work on electrical appliances.
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