How is the oven door dismantled to tighten handle on kitchenaid model YKESC307HW4 ser IMK1786464 type 30p thanks

Asked by sandra on 02/02/2009 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 10 months ago

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5 open your door slightly grasp sides of door with both hands pull up and out and the door will come off. Move the door to a flat surface, face up There are screws on the bottom of the door, remove them. The front glass will now lift off (be careful that part is expensive) Under the glass you'll find two screws holding the handle unit, take them out. Notice the white trim pieces along the sides of the door when you lift off the handle unit those trim pieces will fall free. On the back of the handle unit there are four screws holding on the handle you need to tighten them. Assembly in reverse
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