A short time ago some water from a pot got into the electronic panel and appeared to short out the warning light asking for the "Probe Temp". We were told this should not happen and to leave the stove off for 24 hours to dry out the panel. We did and it did! However, when we were out, the over started up again on it's own, raised the temp to 500 degrees for who knows how long and would not shut off. We had to shut off the gas, and power to the stove, and wait a few hours for it too cool. The repair department where we purchased the range never heard of this randomly happening before. This is an extreme fire hazard, and we have to disconect our stove no when we travel. Any comments or suggestions.

Asked by David on 08/12/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 5 months ago

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