lower jets not spinning. everything seems cleen and clear

Asked by crocket on 01/15/2009 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 10 months ago

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1 It is important to know the the LG LDF8812 dishwasher uses a a "vario" motor-based system to switch between the upper and lower rack (and the relevant sprayer arm) So, if you are simply opening the door and seeing that the upper arm was spinning but not the lower arm, you just need to keep looking even so often, then you will see the lower arm turning and not the upper. If, however, you are not getting clean dishes (and you _are_ using a name brand detergant, like Electrosol or Cascade) then you should pull the lower sprayer arm and the nine phillips screws. That will let you pull out the filter. Rinse it well. Then look in and around the lower sump area for any debris. Watch out for broken glass! Reinstall the filter and the spray arm. Test out. NEVER use gel or tablets in any dishwasher. If you ever run out of drying agent (aka JetDry) try white vinegar in its place.
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