Water drip into bottom of fridge below freezer, building up and slowly dripping out onto floor. Help!

Asked by Barbara on 07/01/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 4 months ago

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5 Every Refrigerator has an automatic defrost system that melts the ice from the freezer coils. There is that tendency for the melted ice to drip to the bottom of the freezer exits through a drain and collects in a drain pan beneath the body of the refrigerator where the heat from the condenser and electric motor evaporates the water. Intermittently, the drain and drain line freezes up causing the defrosted water to accumulate in the bottom of the refrigerator and begin to leak onto the floor. The solution is to defrost the refrigerator by unplugging it from the wall outlet, and emptying the contents of the freezer into an insulated cooler. Keep your food items frozen with ice packs or dry ice to while working on the freezer. Access the drain opening by removing the baskets or racks from the bottom of the freezer compartment, melting the ice built in the drain line using hot water in a clean cloth. Soak up any access water with a towel to avoid flooding the floor. Ceaselessly, force hot water through the drain until the water begins to drip into the condensation pan beneath the freezer. Desist from the action once you hear water begin to enter the pan. Replace the baskets or racks removed from the bottom of the freezer compartment. Transfer your frozen items back into the freezer from the cooler. Always keep your refrigerator at a medium freezing setting, not too low and not too high. Where the ice begins to coat at the bottom level, unplug or reduce it to a minimum level setting. That will solve the problem.
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