I just "inherited" my dad's ice maker. He used it all the time, but I don't know how to even fill it with water. Please help. I need basic instructions.

Asked by cindy on 06/19/2009 7  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 6 months ago

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4 I just purchased a used ice maker and need help with operating it. I can"t tell where the water is supposed to go.
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3 my friend bought a used ice maker..model mcim30sst..hes not sure were the water goes..
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3 INSTRUCTION MANUAL for COUNTER TOP ICE MAKER Model No. MCIM30SST: http://www.mcappliance.com/document/MCIM30SST.pdf
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3 Start button won't start ice maker. Got a blinking green light.
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0 Did not come with item which I bought today 5/26/13
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0 The water goes in at the ice bucket. Fill until the water is about1/4-1/2 inch from bottom of bucket. Do not run this unit constantly as it will burn out the pump.
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